Photo Eric

Eric Jacob

I ❤️ Graphic Design, Informatics & Learning
Marketing Manager | Informatics Student | TUMJA class '24

🗞️Finished a 3-month internship at German newspaper taz - die tageszeitung.
🐦 Accepted into the TUM Junge Akademie research scholarship
🏛️ Finished a 4-week internship at the German Bundestag, office of Thomas Heilmann

About Me

I am Eric - passionate about design, informatics and politics. I advocate for accessible education and continuous learning. As a second-year Informatics student at the Technical University of Munich, I tutor a programming course and work as a research scholar at the TUM Junge Akademie.
I also run my own graphic design business, Jacer.
My interests have led me to internships in politics and journalism, as well as various other seminars.
In my free time, I enjoy biking, cooking, and discussing new ideas.
I am always eager to explore new opportunities and connect with others. If you'd like to collaborate, share an idea, or just have a chat, feel free to reach out!

CV & Portfolio

Previous Projects


Eric Jacob
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 152 24915651

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Last updated: 19.06.2024

My "Now Section"

This page gives a short overview over what I am doing at this point in my life.More information on 'now pages'

My background 💼

I am a second-year Informatics student at the Technical University of Munich, where I am tutoring a programming course and work as a research scholar at the TUM Junge Akademie.
I am part of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Germany's largest scholarship foundation.
On the side, I work as a self-employed Graphic Designer at Jacer. I am open to new clients (just send me a message).✧ ✧ ✧Currently, I am exploring my interests, mostly through internships and seminars, ranging from:

  • politics (completed an internship in the German Bundestag in September 2023) and

  • journalism (completed an internship at German newspaper taz - die tageszeitung from January to April 2024, where I wrote multiple texts and moderated two panels) to

  • city planning (participated in an excursion to cities that are often named Germany's ugliest to understand why this happened and how it can be fixed).

I am also part of BCG's Future Shaper class24 and McKinsey's Firsthand program, and interested in startups, education and new technologies.I am losely involved with the ideas of Effective Altruism, especially when it comes to the career planning of 80,000 Hours.

Hobbies 🚲

In my freetime, I go biking, like cooking and enjoy improv (though I only rarely have the time to participate). I like to discuss new ideas, especially around politics, philosophy and utopias.

Future plans 🌟

In the soon future, I would like to:

  • do more internships
    (currently, I am especially interested in either consulting, a marketing agency or a (political) think tank)

  • work on a Charity Entrepreneurship charity idea or found a startup (for which I am still ideating)

  • do an exchange semester abroad

  • do teaching more often, in some form or another (preferably hich school or on a university level)

  • engage more actively with philosophical questions and theories

I am always looking for new ideas and opportunities, and interested in meeting new people. Don't hesitate to reach out!

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My Texts Published in the taz

A list of all my texts published in the German newspaper taz - die tageszeitung.
All of them are in German.

✍️ Texts

🎙️ Moderations